Juslaws Joins German-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Juslaws & Consult just became a member of the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC). The GTCC is the biggest European chamber of commerce in Thailand with nearly 600 members. As a German lawyer has just recently joined our team we will become an active member of the German business and expat community. That also means that we have gained expertise in many aspects of the law that are particularly interesting for our German clients, from German and EU immigration law to German tax law.
Thailand is Germany’s third largest business partner among ASEAN countries. Today the bilateral trade totals more than 8 billion Euro (320 billion Baht) and is expected to grow further. Thailand offers excellent opportunities for German companies. The Thai government is planning huge infrastructure projects in the next years which offer exceptional chances to German companies. J&C has connections to Thai companies which are involved in the realization of these projects. Please feel free to ask us about this topic. We are ready to provide detailed information to appropriate people upon request.
Official German-Thai relations date back over 150 years. It all started with a trade treaty signed between the Kingdom of Siam and the Hanseatic cities Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck in 1858. Four years later the Kingdom of Siam and Prussia concluded a Friendship, Trade and Navigation Treaty which is regarded as the foundation of today’s diplomatic relations between Thailand and Germany. Nowadays there are several bilateral treaties in place between Thailand and Germany. The Double Taxation Agreement allows business activities and expats between the two countries two avoid double taxation. It provides tax relief for individuals and companies regarding their income and capital. It facilitates business and the deployment of employees between Thailand and Germany. We at J&C have experts on double taxation agreements; please ask us for further information.
Although Germans do not the privileges as US, Australian and Japanese nationals under the respective treaties of amity, there exists a Reciprocal Protection Agreement between Germany and Thailand which ensures investment security for investments in the territory of the other contract partner. Furthermore, this treaty facilitates arbitration and mediation between parties from Thailand and Germany. We are ready to provide you with detailed information on this topic.
Additionally Thailand and Germany signed an agreement for the Promotion of the Eco-Efficiency of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and an OpenSkies Agreement. Thailand and Germany will conclude a full Free Trade Agreement in the future embedded into the growing cooperation between Thailand and the EU. Germany assists Thailand in tackling its shortage of skilled labor problem, one of the biggest limiting factors for Thailand’s economic growth, with the truly exceptional “German-Thai Dual Excellence Education”. The GTCC plays a key role in the implementation of this program which trains young Thai people practically in companies and theoretically in class room, a form of vocational training which has ensured Germany’s economic success and will contribute to Thailand’s success in the future.
Part 1: Petroleum Concessions in Thailand
Part 2: GTCC Membership
Part 3: Boi Seminar
Part 4:Thailand Japan Young Entrepreneurs Networking
Part 5: PPP and Civil Construction Projects in Thailand
Part 6: 2016 Acquisition of Hotels & Resorts in Thailand and Due Diligence Report